Thursday, January 15, 2009

cells make you old?

A new study puts evidence behind the old adage that stressful experiences can give a person gray hairs. Scientific data now indicate that prolonged psychological stress might cause a person's cells to age, and possibly die, significantly faster than normal.Previous research had shown that protein-DNA complexes called telomeres serve as a cell's timekeeper, telling it how long to live. Telomeres protect the ends of chromosomes, much as plastic tips protect shoelaces. Each time a cell divides, enzymes chew off a tiny portion of its telomeres. When the caps are whittled down to nubs, cells cease dividing and soon die.

I did not know that stress makes you look, feel, and be older. Well when i read this passage i found out the the more me and you get stressed out, the more old we look and feel. I know I can not afford plastic surgery, and the only way I know to prevrevent form looking older is to let things that don't matter in life go in one ear and out the other.

Want to read more you can go to the following page and read what i read to find out how to look yonger and who wrote this amazing messeage about cells.

vocabulary words I do not know!

Telomeres -|ˈtēləˌmi(ə)r; ˈtelə-|-noun genetics- a compound structure at the end of a chromosome. DERIVATIVES tel-o-mer-ic |ˌtēləˈmerik; ˌtelə-| |ˈtiləˈmɛrɪk| adjective ORIGIN 1940s: from Greek telos ‘end’ + meros ‘part.' Telomere is a region of repetitive DNA at the end of chromosomes, which protects the end of the chromosome from destruction. Its name is derived from the Greek nouns telos (τἐλος) "end" and merοs (μέρος, root: μερεσ-) "

Mononucleocytsis -|ˌmänəˌn(y)oōklēˈōsəs|
noun Medicine
an abnormally high proportion of monocytes in the blood.
• short for infectious mononucleosis . Also called mono .
Mononucleosis is a condition where there is an unusual proliferation of monocytes.[1] It is similar in meaning to monocytosis.
Sometimes the use of the term implies EBV infectious mononucleosis, but it is also possible for cytomegalovirus to cause mononucleosis

telomerase -|təˈläməˌrās; təˈlō; -ˌrāz|
an enzyme that adds nucleotides to telomeres, especially in cancer cells.
Telomerase is an enzyme that adds specific DNA sequence repeats ("TTAGGG" in all vertebrates) to the 3' ("three prime") end of DNA strands in the telomere regions, which are found at the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes. The telomeres contain condensed DNA material, giving stability to the chromosomes. The enzyme is a reverse transcriptase that carries its own RNA molecule, which is used as a template when it elongates telomeres, which are shortened after each replication cycle. Telomerase was discovered by Carol W. Greider and Elizabeth Blackburn in 1984 in the ciliate Tetrahymena.[1] There are some indicators that telomerase is of retroviral origin

Thursday, December 18, 2008


With one look, you can usually tell whether someone is old or young. Wrinkled skin or smooth. Thinning hair or thick locks. Bifocals or Ray-Bans. These are just a few of the overt clues. Far less obvious are the age-related signs that show up on the molecular level. Ask a geneticist where to look and he may point you to a person's mitochondria. These rod-shaped residents of an animal cell provide the cell with energy, and each mitochondrion has its own DNA strand, which is distinct from the DNA in the chromosomes that dwell in the cell's nucleus. With age, this mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) becomes riddled with mutations, both subtle and severe.

people don't think that aging is caused by aging by gray hair. But the most crazy thing about it is that it is caused by gray hair. what caused gray hair is the cells aging and as the cells start to die of and as they start to die the body agies.

mitochondrial-an organelle found in large numbers in most cells, in which the biochemical processes of repiration and energy production occur. it has a double membrane, the inner layer being folded inword to form layers.
mutations-the action or process of mutating
engineered-a person who designs, builds, or maintains, engines, machines, or public works.

Friday, November 21, 2008

more ice on mars!!!!!!!

Hope you’re not bored of stories about water ice on Mars: Now that scientists have found it, they can’t seem to stop finding it. Just a few months after the dear, departed Mars Phoenix Lander made history by touching and analyzing water ice beneath the soil near the Martian north pole, researchers using NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter have discovered massive glaciers near the equator. The glaciers, buried under rocky debris, are said to be more than three times the size of Los Angeles, up to half a mile thick and skirt the edges of mountains and cliffs [Telegraph].......
My thought of the story is that why would you want to find water on earth, but after i read this article I defiantly wanted to keep reading. About half way through the article I wanted to know how it got there and how it was formed. This article is tell a story of how they found the glaciers of ice and what they did with it. But if you want to know more about the article you have to go read the story and figure out if you think there is life on mars and no I am not talking about boys.

debris- scattered fragments, typically of something wrecked or destroyed
sublimated- divert or modify
Reconnaissance- military observation of a region to locate an enemy or ascertain strategic features

Friday, November 7, 2008


Hi there. You may not know me, but my name is Samantha White. I have moved from place to place ever since I was five years old. See my dad and mom were in the military at one point of time. When my mom was pregnant with my sister Charolette, she quit the military. The only reasons why my dad dropped out of the military was because he has five herniated disks in his back. After that we moved to Oregon so that he could go to college to get his P.H.D. in biology to be a wildlife biologist. But when he graduated the V.A. told him that he was 100 percent disabled. This meant he couldn't work any more. Instead of going to work every day, like the average person, he gets paid to sit on the couch and watch t.v. My mom on the other hand, she works at Wal-Mart as a night stalker, which she means that she restocks the shelves. My older sister Charolette lives in Missouri with her real dad. My little sister Tori lives with my mom. She is in the seventh grade here at Childress Junior High school. Me, on the other hand, I'm in tenth grade in Childress High school.

Friday, October 31, 2008

dog vaxine

this article is about vaccinating your dogs and how it works. it is also about how most people take there dogs hiking with them and most of the time there dogs don't come back with them. why is this you ask? its because some of the most meanest animals bit them and inject this awful stuff into them that either paralyzes or kills them.

i think that the story is good because the the vaccination is a good thing and it keeps the family friend in the family. i have had a dog that has gotten bitten by a deadly snake and he was never the same. i know that i hated to lose a dog to a snake bit and i wish that i had got him vaccinated.

component-piece, bit, element,constituent, ingredient, building block:unit,module, section.